Georgetown Sign Company

Georgetown Sign Company

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Aluminum Awning – Perfect For Your Business

Awnings are older than most people might think: the first historical references to them date back to ancient Egyptian and Syrian civilizations. Back then, people would use weavings to shade markets or homes.

Since then, the awning has come a long way both in terms of usage and material. Still, their primary function remains the same: modern awning signage continues to provide shade from the sun and shelter from the rain. However, unlike in the ancient days, they also serve as a marquee for business and brand names.

Custom awning signs are as popular as ever, and there are quite a few reasons why you should use awning signs in Austin, TX.

Attracting More Customers

The multifunctionality that makes awning signs so popular: not only do they display the name of a business or brand, but they also provide an instant positive customer experience. Customers feel safe and welcomed by awning hanging signs that extend onto the sidewalk like a protective hand. Through this experience, awning hanging signs draw even reluctant customers towards your business. Curiosity strikes passersby who may otherwise have remained unaware and uninterested without the captivating power of your awning sign.

Another significant advantage is their increased visibility. Awning signs for businesses let those businesses stand out – literally – among their competition. While most signs require that customers stand in front of the business, awning signs can extend onto the sidewalk, displaying the business’ name.

Custom Awning Signs Are a Good Investment

So far, we have established that awning signs can attract more customers by displaying the name of a business or brand prominently and by providing shelter from sun and rain. However, that is not all that awning signs in Austin, TX, can do. They can also save businesses money. But how?

The American Society of Heating and Air Conditioner Engineers ran a study a while back. One of its findings was that businesses with custom awning signs could reduce their energy bill by up to 25%. Why is that? Awning signs protect the building from direct sunlight in the summer, preventing stores from heating up too fast.

Therefore, Awning signs can serve to attract extra customers as well as contribute to a lower energy bill.

Why Use Awning Signs In Austin, TX?

So there are plenty of good reasons for businesses in Austin, TX to use awning hanging signs, not least of all this: Georgetown Sign Company is a local company that provides full signage service, including awning signs for businesses. From designing to manufacturing, and installation: at Georgetown Sign Company, we will guide you through the entire process so that your business stands out.

Even if awning signs are not what you are looking for, Georgetown Sign Company has you covered. We can create and design other custom business signs, whether exterior or interior signs or even vehicle wraps. We will fit your needs and your budget into the best possible signage solution.

For more information on our services, contact our signage experts at Georgetown Sign Company today and receive a free estimate.


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