The single most significant benefit of vehicle wraps is that they help get your business noticed by everyone who sees them. Those same people tend to be your ideal customers, living in your service area or right next to your current customers. Still, some custom vehicle wraps will do a better job of getting attention than others. A few design elements can help ensure your custom vehicle wrap stands out no matter where you go in Austin, TX.
1. Use Lots of Color
There are plenty of colors on the road, of course. Your vehicle graphic should be in a color that really stands out from the typical slate of car colors, and that also reflects your brand. Sometimes your brand color isn’t a great option for this, so you can combine it with a contrasting color to help it stand out.
2. Clear, Large Text
Your vehicle will be moving most of the time that people are looking at it, so if the font is too small, they won’t be able to read it. You need to add large text to your vehicle to catch people’s attention and send the message you want to send. It’s best if the text contrasts with the color behind it so that it is readable, even for those who are color blind.
3. Arrows and Lines
Take advantage of the vehicle’s movement by adding design elements that suggest action and make your vehicle more visually appealing while it is moving. Arrows and lines are great options. Have them run horizontally across the vehicle or slash it in half vertically. Check out our gallery to see some examples of how this can be done.
4. Characters and Personality
Does your company have a mascot? It’s a great idea to place it on the vehicle graphic. It will help catch people’s attention, especially children (if children are part of your brand’s target audience.) If not, there are other ways to inject personality into your vehicle graphic design. You can add images, flourishes, and even catchphrases.
Get Design Tips from the Georgetown Sign Company A great designer can help you create a vehicle graphic that will catch attention while still reflecting your brand and its values to your customers. At the Georgetown Sign Company, we have many great designers who can help you make a great design that you’ll be proud to drive around. If you’re in Austin, TX, reach out to us today to get started.
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